Every day, thousands of people send and receive text messages, rushing to their phones at the familiar chirp of a new message. In fact, most people read text messages within 90 seconds of receiving them.
Considering how much time and attention we give texts, it’s no wonder so many businesses are using these messages to deliver promotions, engage customers, and even optimize operations. And now, companies in the beauty and wellness industries are taking advantage of this powerful communication platform.
To help you get started, Zenoti has created a guide for simple, actionable ways you can use text messaging to boost your business. Plus, many of these suggestions also make great emails.
Ready to see for yourself? Check out the top 8 Ways to Boost Business with Text and Email infographic.
Read more about: salon spa software
Interested in learning more about how Zenoti can help boost your business with text messaging marketing campaigns? Request a free demo today!
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