Odds are, you already have Mother’s Day sales ideas in the works. But you may not have tried this simple strategy, which can boost sales with no added costs and minimal effort. Try creating a Mother’s Day wish list sales campaign. The wish list is a great way for moms to give their partner or kids a gentle hint on their perfect Mother’s Day gift. Here’s how it works. Your clients tell you what they wish they could try, generally services that are a bit more of a luxury than they can normally afford or services that require the luxury of time. You capture their wishes and, well, help make them come true. It sounds easy, but the key is to implement this Mother's Day sales idea in a way that is natural, effective and takes little time to implement.

1. Create Mother's Day Wish Lists

Most importantly, let your guests know that you have a wish list. You’ll need to provide front-desk staff with the right language and training to introduce the wish list, whether it’s over the phone or in person. The key is to make it easy and quick for your guests to share their wish list with you.

save time through wish list

Capturing the wish list in a tablet or through an online form makes the experience easier for the customer, with the service menu at their fingertips. It also saves staff time as the data will automatically be saved to your software system and avoids the headaches from illegible handwriting. (If you are not a Zenoti client and can’t easily set up a digital wish list, here's a physical card template for you). Your front desk should be ready to encourage the right items, which might be a service your guest has never tried or retail products that complement the guest’s typical services. The key is to make any suggestions personal and meaningful.

2. Make the Wish Happen

There’s little that's more disappointing than not receiving the gift you were expecting. It’s your job to make sure that you contact every gift giver. If your front desk can make the time, personal phone calls are ideal; otherwise, you’ll want to automate emails. (Make sure to read our guide to Mother's Day email subject lines first.)

Mothers day spa/salon mobile responsive email template

If you’re calling your guests, you’ll probably need to make multiple attempts to connect with the gift giver (beyond voicemail). You’ll need a good tracking system that allows you to take notes and assign follow up dates to make sure no one falls through the cracks. Your software should track this for you. If you are not a Zenoti client, use a spreadsheet to track each guest through to completion.

3. Make It Easy on Your Gift Giver

You’ll want to make it easy for the gift giver to pay for the wish list items. There are few scenarios that you may want to support. Typically, the gift giver will purchase everything on the wish list. You should be ready to collect an up-front payment over the phone. And, you’ll need to send a confirmation email to the recipient.

Make It Easy On Your Gift Giver

Be ready for some gift givers to purchase only a few items on the list or choose a gift card instead — encourage them to gift what they’re able to from the wish list. Remind them it’s a tool to help their loved one feel extra special this Mother’s Day. Retailers like Amazon, Nordstrom, Anthropologie and even Apple have been using wish lists for a long time with great results. Today, it’s easy for you to implement a wish list program for your salon or spa. Zenoti understands your business. Our software is designed to help you implement growth strategies in an easy, impactful way. To learn more about Zenoti software, request a demo.

Emily Martin
Zenoti Copywriter
A self-confessed bookworm with a passion for languages and weaving together words. Happiest when immersed in nature, either on horseback or skis, or curled up with a good thriller. Emily's writing focuses on sharing trends and insights impacting the beauty and wellness industry.
Emily Martin
Zenoti Copywriter
A self-confessed bookworm with a passion for languages and weaving together words. Happiest when immersed in nature, either on horseback or skis, or curled up with a good thriller. Emily's writing focuses on sharing trends and insights impacting the beauty and wellness industry.

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