
Train staff to upsell. Move more retail. Improve marketing.
When salons and spas make those pushes, what is the common goal?  

If you answered "more revenue," you're on the money.

However, getting better at service upsells, moving more products, and retooling marketing can take time and effort to yield measurable results. That's doable if you're playing the long game as a salon or spa owner.  

In the meantime, what untapped revenue opportunities can you pursue? What if you could add an ally working quietly in the background to boost bookings, improve utilization, and maximize salon or spa earnings per minute – with no intervention from you or your front desk? That ally is the right technology.

Read on to discover Zenoti software features that boost collections for your business while also saving you and your staff time and effort.

Efficiency boost #1: Recover incomplete online bookings automatically

Guests who schedule appointments online can often be distracted or interrupted, leaving bookings incomplete. Every incomplete booking is a lost sale. But there's no reason to kiss those bookings goodbye.

Recover incomplete online bookings automatically

With Zenoti, guests who "abandon" their shopping cart can get an email or text reminder within 60 minutes of the interrupted booking. Sent automatically, each reminder includes a convenient link for guests to finish what they started. They can quickly complete booking the appointment they had in mind, helping you close potentially lost sales.

Abandoned checkout recovery benefits more than just the business bottom line. Guests get a better experience, too. With Zenoti, they can pick up their online booking right where they left off in the flow. No need to repeat the steps they took earlier. And some guests appreciate the nudge to schedule much-needed self-care.

Efficiency boost #2: Improve utilization during multi-segment appointments

To help allocate staff time more efficiently and profitably, Zenoti makes it easy to divide appointments into service segments.

For example, consider the three segments of a hair color appointment: A) application, B) processing time, and C) finishing (shampoo). If a senior colorist handles Segment A and an assistant handles Segment C, your appointment book should reflect open (bookable) time for each of those providers when they're not part of this particular visit. In this case, then, the colorist could be booked with another guest during segments B and C. Zenoti software breaks up multi-segment appointments like this, helping you make better use of the colorist's time to maximize their daily invoice totals.

If your current software shows your colorist as booked through segments B and C, you may be underutilizing your senior staff.

Improve utilization during multi-segment appointments

Appointment service segments in Zenoti help providers serve more guests per day and generate more revenue for your salon. More guests served also leads to higher tip totals, helping providers earn more, as well.

Efficiency boost #3: Enable simultaneous services to be booked as a single appointment

If your nail salon delivers simultaneous mani-pedis, can guests combine the two services into a single slot in your online booking system? Zenoti supports this efficient way of booking popular combination services.  

Let's say a manicure and pedicure each last 30 minutes, if booked separately. If done at the same time, guests booking online can instead schedule a single 30-minute appointment for both services combined.  

If your current software blocks two slots in the appointment book when one will do for simultaneous services, you're losing revenue.

The lack of this feature is also problematic for guests booking online. They must either schedule separate appointments and commit to potentially spending more time in the salon, or call the front desk to book a simultaneous mani-pedi.

When guests can book their own simultaneous service appointments, it means fewer calls for your front desk. You'll also free up calendar slots for additional bookings, further improving utilization, and increasing salon capacity and collections.

See Zenoti in action

Let's recap 3 ways Zenoti features help you boost business efficiency – and profitability.

Efficiency boost #1: With abandoned checkout reminders, recover incomplete online bookings and potentially lost sales.  

Efficiency boost #2: With appointment service segments, boost utilization by booking providers for just their portion of a visit.

Efficiency boost #3: With simultaneous service bookings, free up slots for additional bookings – and more revenue.

Ready to explore these efficiencies for your salon or spa? Book a free demo.

Gita Mani
Senior Content Specialist
Gita Mani
Senior Content Specialist

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