If a service provider does not come into work for the day, the front desk must reassign all the provider’s appointments to another provider to ensure smooth flow of business. Earlier, this process was manual and made it tedious and time-consuming. With this upgrade, the front desk can quickly reassign (move) all appointments of the absent provider to another provider in one go. The front desk can choose between moving appointments to:
Note: Zenoti ensures that the price and duration of each service for the appointment remains the same. If no providers are available, Zenoti prompts the front desk to find (alternate) time slots. The front desk then follows-up with the guests on the phone to check if the revised time slot works for the guest and then schedules appointments accordingly.
In many cases, it’s appropriate and beneficial to both the customer and the business to have packages renew automatically on expiration. You retain your customer base and save time on administrative tasks. With this release, as an administrator, you can configure custom package templates so that any package based on the template will auto-renew on expiry. If you choose to enable the auto-renew feature, Zenoti renews the package with the same properties as of the date of expiry. This includes the services, visit frequency, and the name of the employee who was responsible for selling the package (Sold by employee name).
If you need help activating any enhancements, contact support.
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