Configuration and Data Migration Professional Services


Zenoti will make the services and content available to Customer pursuant to the Zenoti terms and conditions ( or the applicable master services agreement between the Customer and Zenoti. Zenoti will provide the Customer with a System administrator Login. With respect to system configuration and data migration, the Parties (Customer and  Zenoti ) will enter into and mutually execute one or more separate statements of work (SOW(s)) containing the relevant terms and conditions for such Professional Services. Zenoti Professional Services team will be involved with the configuration, migration, integration, and reporting services of the system along with training in alignment with the SOW agreed upon between both Parties.   


The following sections sets forth a general description of the services included as part of the Configuration & Data Migration services. Specific, varied, and/or other terms pertaining to a particular scope of Professional Services for configuration and/or data migration will be set forth in the applicable SOW between Customer and Zenoti.

Scope of Work

  • Configuring Zenoti modules and workflows for modules subscribed to by Customer.
  • Configuring role-based access to Zenoti modules and reports
  • Migration and setup of Master (Services, Product, Employee) data provided by Customer
  • Configuration of Online Webstore and Customer Mobile App (CMA) (if purchased with Customer’s Zenoti Service subscription and within the implementation timeline) 
  • Assignment of training courses on Zenoti University 
  • Up to 3 days of remote online post go-live support by Zenoti’s Professional Services Team

Data Migration 

  • As part of the migration and configuration of Customer’s Data, Zenoti will advise as follows:

    Depending on the software solution from which Customer is migrating to Zenoti, Zenoti will advise Customer as to what format Customer must provide the data to Zenoti so as to effectively facilitate import into the Zenoti platform. This format may include providing current data by the Customer from the Customer’s current software vendor, completion of Excel files provided by Zenoti in a predefined format, providing an export of the Customer’s database, or a combination of these and/or other tasks. Upon provision by Customer in the required format, such data shall be imported into Zenoti by the Professional Services Team.
  • Zenoti’s standard of data migration and import is from a single source.  If the Customer seeks to migrate and import data from multiple sources, the Customer must enter into an SOW for such additional Professional Services.  
  • Zenoti will migrate and import no more than two years of past data from a single source unless the Customer and Zenoti have entered into an SOW for additional data migration years. This imported past sale data is primarily intended for insights into trend analysis and enhancing your marketing strategies. It's important to note that this data is not specifically migrated for tasks such as tax audits, financial reconciliation, or payroll processing. Customer acknowledges and agrees that Zenoti makes no representations, covenants, or warranties with respect to the imported and migrated Customer Data.  
  • Data migration by Zenoti will not include any images and/or documents that Customers may have in Customer’s current/and or prior solution/service provider. Customers seeking migration of such data must enter into an SOW to procure additional Professional Services.  
  • Post live, source data will be deleted based on Zenoti data retention policy  
  • Current balances for items such as Gift Cards, Packages, Memberships, and Loyalty Points shall be imported if the data of such balances can be provided by the Customer to the Professional Services Team. 
  • Current Stock of inventory shall be imported if the data can be provided by the Customer to the Professional Services Team.

Configuration of Online Webstore and Customer Mobile App (CMA)

If these are procured by Customer under an applicable SOW, Zenoti may configure a Customer’s webstore, including, by way of example, the following features:

  • Customer may select the Webstore and Mobile app layout from the templates provided to you by the Professional Services Team. Any customizations beyond the presented templates can be performed on a payment basis.
  • All the design elements, images and required content should be shared in a pre-defined format given by the Professional Services Team. 
  • Customer mobile app will be published from your app store and play store developer accounts that are shared with the Professional Services Team at the start of the implementation.

Zenoti University

Zenoti University is the platform Zenoti uses to deliver self-paced training online. Customer’s team members will be assigned online courses based on their roles in the organization. Each member is responsible for completing their training successfully before starting to use or operate the Zenoti system. Customer acknowledges and agrees that Customer’s full use and optimization of the Zenoti Services requires Authorized Users to undertake this training and that failure by Customer to require Authorized Users to complete the required training may result in deficiencies, errors, and omissions in the Customer Data and may also result in the Customer not receiving the benefits, features, and full performances of the Zenoti Services through no fault of or breach by Zenoti.

Remote Online Post Go-Live Support

After Customer’s operations have gone live  on the Zenoti system, Customer will  receive support from the Zenoti Professional Services team for a minimum of three (3) business days.  The team will help answer operational questions and attempt to resolve any issues that Customer has identified pertaining to the use of Zenoti. Upon completion of this time period, you will be fully transitioned to Zenoti’s Support team and you will have to reach out to our support team for any questions that may come up in your use of Zenoti.

We understand the importance of having quality data in Zenoti to set you up for success. As part of the Zenoti onboarding process, our team will guide you through the steps involved. 


There are two steps involved in the migration of data from the customer’s existing system to Zenoti. 

  • Site Preparation: In this step, all the master data configurations and partial past data are created/migrated prior to Go-Live, so that the Customer can check and validate the data and settings configured in Zenoti.  
  • Site Migration (Cutover): This activity starts the night prior to the go-live. This is also called as Cutover. In this step, delta masters and full liabilities along with delta past data will be migrated to Zenoti. After go-live, within 14 working days, the past data (if/as contracted) of appointments, sales, and collections will be loaded into the customer site by Zenoti.

Below are the high-level steps and responsibilities involved in completing the migration of data on the customer’s Zenoti site.

Migration Step 



Provide access to data 

Your Team 

  • Provide Zenoti access to the existing system database. Customer will need to coordinate with the existing system vendor for this. 

  • If it is not possible to get the database from existing system, then the Customer will need to provide data in excel/CSV files in the templates provided by Zenoti. 

  • Customer should also provide read-only access to the existing system to Zenoti, so that the migration data can be validated. 

  • In cases of a decentralized existing system, there will be a need to consolidate master data (service, product, series, membership). Zenoti onboarding team will work with the Customer to consolidate this data. 

  • Data from the existing system has to be provided at least twice during the project. Once during setup phase and other during go-live time. 

Detailed data migration scope 

Zenoti Team 

  • Zenoti will analyze the existing system data and prepare data migration scope document which you will need to review and sign off. 

Migration scope sign-off 

Your Team 

  • Customer's team needs to review the scope and provide the signoff. 

  • If there is any feedback/refinement required, it can be discussed with Zenoti onboarding team. If the changes are feasible, then Zenoti will make the necessary updates to the scope. 

Go-live readiness 

Your Team 

  • The “Cutover” activity starts after all the locations close business for the day. Customer will need to coordinate with the existing system vendor to provide the latest copy of the database after the business is closed for the day, the night prior to go-live.  

  • As part of the closure activities in the existing system, the night prior to the go-live, any automated collections process and automated email/text process should be stopped. This is to avoid guest getting double-billed and receiving duplicate email/text. 

  • During the cutover activity, the online bookings flowing into existing system should be stopped for few hours. Online booking links on the Customer website should be redirected to Zenoti online booking after completing the cutover activity. 

Site Migration 

Zenoti Team 

  • Based on the scope, Zenoti will migrate the data into your Zenoti site. Zenoti will perform data validation based on its pre-defined methods.  

Site Validation and sign-off 

Your Team 

  • Customer has to validate the data that is migrated and provide the signoff. Zenoti's team will help in this validation.  

What do we migrate from your existing system?  

The below diagram and table has the list of items that Zenoti can migrate from your existing system.

 list of items that Zenoti can migrate from your existing system


  • Guests/Clients data (Name, Email, Phone, Address... etc) 

  • Service Menu, Rooms, Equipment 

  • Staff/Employee data 

  • Products, Vendors 

  • Series Package Definition 

  • Membership Definition 

  • Discount Definition 

Operational Data 

  • Upcoming Appointments  

  • Guest Notes/Alerts 

  • Liabilities 

  • Gift Card balance 

  • Series package balance 

  • Active members and related balance 

  • Reward points balance 

  • On-Account balance 

  • On-hand product stock 

Past Data 

  • 2 years of past appointments 

  • 2 years of past invoices and payments 

Credit Card 

The feasibility of migrating guest credit card information (card-on-file) is dependent on the source system and the existing payment provider. You will need to coordinate with the existing payment provider to provide the card information in encrypted format directly to Zenoti Payments. 

For security reasons, the card should always be provided in an encrypted format. Zenoti migration process uses PGP encryption to handle card information. Zenoti's onboarding team will provide the required instructions to your team during the onboarding process. 

Electronic Medical Record/ Document (EMR) 

The effort and cost of migrating EMR files will depend on the overall size of the files to be migrated. Zenoti has a process to migrate EMR files provided in acceptable formats. The EMR files and the mapping to guests should be provided by the Customer. 


Dominic Blake, Blushes Hair & Beauty
Dominic Blake
Managing Director, Blushes Hair & Beauty

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