
Required solution to improve experience, manage busy days, improve inventory management, and increase revenues


Zenoti's multiple features were harnessed leading to substantial increase in the online bookings, and growth in average revenue per ticket, and improve marketing of services & products


Zenoti Online Booking

Zenoti Reports & Analytics


United States




Full service salon

Our guests love Spalon because we are, you know, for lack of a better term, a one stop shop. We encompass all departments, nails, facial, skincare, body work, but hair is our mainstay. We do about fifty percent hair, and, that really is what what keeps our guests coming back. I look at Milan. It doesn't have someone's name on the door, but rather it has a ton of masters of their craft.

Zenode's transformed our business in a variety of ways. One of the things that's had the greatest impact is online booking. We're at thirty percent online bookings. We're seeing guests really add things to their service that they typically wouldn't.

They're upgrading a lot of their services, doing a lot of add ons, which has led to an increase in our average ticket. With our online platforms with Google BookNow, it makes very easy for anyone to look up our business and simply hit that book button and secure an appointment. The good news is our business has grown, and I think large in part to Zenodi by, helping us sort of analyze the data and be able to continue to reach out to guests. Zonodi's transformed our business in a plethora of different ways, but the biggest one that stands out to me is our online store.

During COVID, we decided to take the dive into e commerce, and it's been incredible. So Zenode's opened up their APIs. They've allowed that integration, which is gonna allow us to really expand market, increase revenues, communicate differently with our guests and manage our inventory better.

The most amazing thing about Zenode is that they didn't just come and install the software and help us do the conversion.

It's a relationship that we've stayed in. I'm able to meet with them on a weekly basis. We review open tickets or have them drill down on different areas of the soft software that I didn't know how to use. So recently, we launched a mobile app, and Zenodi helped us build that, which is absolutely incredible. Our guests are able to see their online booking history or their guest service history so that they know exactly what to book for and how much time.

That is something that's been a huge help to our staff while they try to manage their busy days and squeeze clients in. So it's been something been able to help them fill their books when there are cancellations. It also has something called QuickBooks. So it knows the behavior that you've done at spillon, and you can quickly open up your app.

And it says quickbooks, like, do it again kind of thing. You press on that icon, and it will show you the next appointment available with the person that you had previously seen. And we think that's super cool. Our partnership with Synoti has allowed us to solidify some really, good processes into place so that if we were to move forward with, you know, acquiring another location or opening another door, we would be able to easily transition Zenote and their software right over to that store to that location.

Zenoti success stories, straight from the source

Massage Heights anticipates doubling our size in the next several years, and it's really important for us to have a software platform that is scalable. Zenoti offers the most robust software to meet our growth needs. That's why we chose Zenoti over other vendors, and we've achieved a 58% growth in online bookings over a period of six months.

Shane Evans
Founder & President

Zenoti was a clear winner from a technology perspective. Previously, we had to do everything manually from a booking standpoint, and of course, it directly impacted our ability to fill those books and be efficient in the number of appointments that we could take in a given day. And now, just like that, the software can figure that out for us.

Jyoti Lynch

The process with Zenoti has been very successful, and it was a seamless implementation. Zenoti has helped Massage Green Spa achieve new efficiencies and marketing capabilities for our franchisees and guests. Since our time with Zenoti, they have continued to provide product enhancements and new features to help our overall operations.

Carlos Guzman
President & COO