Home-grown software solutions offer the promise of complete control and customization, but do they deliver where it really matters? From our perspective, the “build vs. buy” debate is really about “now vs. later.” Do you want the ideal technology platform now or later?  At Zenoti, we’re in the “buy” camp. Sure, we build software for salons and spas, but we also invest heavily in technology to run and scale our own business. We wouldn’t dream of distracting ourselves with building any software that isn’t core to our business. Read on for the most common reasons why businesses choose to switch from home-grown solutions to enterprise platforms.

1. Now Vs. Later

Are you truly investing in an IT department that can build a robust, full-featured software solution? At software companies, development teams include developers, quality assurance testers, UI designers and operations staff. Plus, additional resources are devoted to planning future innovations and enhancements. Resources translate to the breadth, depth and quality of your product (including efficient, easy-to-use user interfaces). Resources also translate to a product that's able to quickly evolve. But building a solution is only the beginning. Who will be available at all hours of the night to troubleshoot and fix critical issues? Not your in-house IT department that went home for the night at 5 p.m.

2. Innovation matters more than ever

Would you feel empowered using your phone from 5 years ago today? Likely not. So why is your business still running on the same software? In-house IT departments struggle to make enhancements to systems; often, they’re simply overwhelmed with maintaining the system and fielding support questions. Software companies are in the business of innovation. At Zenoti, we’re building technology that re-imagines the customer experience. (Check out this article from Zenoti’s CEO that talks about how customer expectations are evolving.) We know technology is playing an increasingly growing role in business success and delivers a competitive advantage — and your strongest competitors recognize it, too.

3. You don’t know what you don’t know

You know your business like the back of your hand, but is there more out there? Software companies are in a unique position of benefiting from industry-wide insights and expertise, which translate into robust, business-driving solutions.

4. Are you wasting time?    

We’ve seen companies where CEOs, operations heads, marketing heads and others are spending time with IT departments to plan out enhancements and negotiate features. Is this really the best use of your team’s time? With the right software vendor, you know that upcoming features are being planned and implemented. Your team’s time goes into adopting features — not designing them.

One last thing to consider

Third-party software solutions don’t mean that you have to give up on your need for a customizable system. Enterprise platforms are built to be flexible, so you can run your business your way. If you’ve hit roadblocks with your technology platform or sense that your software limits your business agility, it’s time to check out Zenoti.

Emily Martin
Zenoti Copywriter
A self-confessed bookworm with a passion for languages and weaving together words. Happiest when immersed in nature, either on horseback or skis, or curled up with a good thriller. Emily's writing focuses on sharing trends and insights impacting the beauty and wellness industry.
Emily Martin
Zenoti Copywriter
A self-confessed bookworm with a passion for languages and weaving together words. Happiest when immersed in nature, either on horseback or skis, or curled up with a good thriller. Emily's writing focuses on sharing trends and insights impacting the beauty and wellness industry.

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